Lunch: Tex Mex Shepherds Pie, Green Beans, Pineapple, Hot Roll and Milk.


The following Students need to go by the Lunchroom during study hall or in between classes to have their picture made:

Melian Lolin, Brooke Todd, Caleb Foster, Topanga Howell, Lindsay Tarantino, Stormy Sisco, Hesa Jorimle, McKenzie Fitzgerald, Tiffany Gossett, Davy Hanson, Catherine Lacroix, Wyatt Clark, Nick Fitzgerald, Carter Green, Dylan Huddleston, Marrisa McVay, Ryan McVay, Wesley Provow, Cameron Robertson, McKenna Sandoval, Katelynn Vance, Autumn Wiley and Kacie Wilson.

Choir will be selling ️Valen-Grams during lunch from 1/30 - 2/03 for $10. (You may also stop by the choir room and bring your Valen-Grams order to Mrs. Moffett.)

For $10 you can send someone 2 chocolate roses + 1 personalized note + 1 song from our Valentine's Day song list.

Valen-Grams will be delivered on February 14th, only to PJHS and PHS.

Band Fundraiser: Candy can only be sold before school or after school. Make sure to keep up with your candy/money. Please make sure you have your name on your box and money envelope. Do not leave candy laying around.

FBLA fundraiser "A Kiss For You" is underway. FBLA members are taking orders for a dozen Hershey kisses that will be delivered on Valentine's Day. Beginning Friday Jan. 27 through Friday Feb. 3 there will be a table set up in the main hall at lunch if you would like to place an order. Orders can be made through Friday, Feb.3. Cost per order is $1.00. FBLA thanks you for your support. Orders can be taken from 7th/8th/9th Graders. Orders can be delivered to M.D./PJHS/PHS.

Tuesday, Jan. 31st:


Mrs Hausman will not have tutoring after school today.

Fire Marshalls/ FFA/Quiz Bowl - club pictures at 12:10 in PJHS Gym.

Redskin Basketball vs. Corning (Home) (7th/Jr/Sr.Boys) @ 5:00 p.m. Boys' Basketball, Swim Team and Cheerleaders Parent Night at Corning Game.

FFA: Greenhand and Chapter Degree Applications are due back in by January 31st no later than 3:20.

Wednesday, Feb. 1st:

NJHS/ Circle of Friends- club pictures at 12:10 in PJHS Gym.

Redskins vs. Walnut Ridge (Away) @ 4:00 (Jr./Sr.). Please release the junior boys basketball team at 2:40on Wednesday.

Thursday, Feb. 2nd:

Library Aides/ Book Club/ Writer's Group- club pictures at 12:10 in PJHS Gym.

Friday, Feb. 3rd:

LINK -club pictures at 12:10 in PJHS Gym.

Saturday, Feb. 4th - Feb. 11th - Jr. District tournament (JG, JB) Cave City TBA

Saturday, February 4th -Junior High Regional Quiz Bowl at Brookland

Upcoming Events:
Feb. 7th: Retro Bill Presentation for all grades @ 10:00 a.m.

Feb. 10th: Progress Reports will go home today.

Feb. 13th: The MISS REDSKIN PAGEANT will be February 18th at 1 pm in the PJHS Gym. Please pick up forms in the office if you want to participate. The deadline is Monday,

February 13th. Please note that the start time is 1:00 p.m., therefore, the pageant will be over around 4-4:30 p.m.

Feb. 18th: FFA Farm Auction, Saturday, February 18th - 9:00 (early start) @ 2250 Industrial Drive. Contact any FFA member or Mr. Wendell Hogan 892-4573 ext 4245 or 870-892-5963 (cell) or email or Mr. Joe Washburn 892-4573 ext 4244

Feb. 20th: President’s Day Observed - No School