Lunch:  Meatball Subs or Grilled Chicken Sandwich, Carrot Sticks, Broccoli/Dip, Fruit and Milk.      


FFA Members please see the list in Mr Washburn's room to find out if you have qualified for the end of year FFA trip.  If you are going to go or if you are not going to attend please let Mr.  Washburn know by Wednesday of this week.  

FFA Members please see Mr Washburn if you did not attend banquet and he may an award for you.

If you want to attend Arkansas Leadership Camp please see Mr Washburn and you must pay 62.50 by May 19th 

May 22nd PJHS End of the Year Dance - PJHS Cafeteria Grades 6th - 9th (Pocahontas Students Only and St. Paul 6th Grade class).   6pm - 8pm $4.00 per student - Snacks and Drinks will be for sale.  

Monday, May 15th

All of Coach Counts' classes will be at the track today. 

All of Coach Eddington's classes will be at the track today. 

American Flag to Half- Staff in Honor of Peace Officers' Memorial Day 2017

All Bands (6th - 12th) Concert & Awards @ 6:30 p.m. (PJHS Gym).

Track & Field Day.  Students are marked in TAC for Field Trip Day. 

All library books are due.

Tuesday, May 16th

LINK Happy Birthday Party for birthdays in April, May, June. Pick up your napkins tomorrow and share cake, candy and sodas to celebrate LINK being glad you were born!

Wednesday, May 17th

English/others testing

Thursday, May 18th

Math Testing

Students interested in playing Golf next year need to meet with Coach Hausman in his classroom  at 12:15 a.m. in room 213.

Jr. High Student Council Elections in the library at lunch.

Friday, May 19th

Science/Social Studies Testing

Upcoming Events

May 22nd - LINK program (12:30 - 3:00) 

May 22nd - End of Year Choir Concert - PJHS Gym @ 6:00 p.m.

May 23rd - LINK's end of the year trip to Silver Dollar City. Ticket includes admission and lunch.  Be at school at 6:00 a.m. Each student will need to carry extra money for breakfast and supper.  You are responsible for carrying your own money.  We will be back at school around 10:30 p.m.  Parents need to be here waiting.  

May 24th - PJHS Awards Assembly. 9:00am - 9th grade - 10:00am -7th and 8th grade @ PJHS Cafeteria

May 24th - Last Day of School.  Report Cards will be going home today.  Students will be dismissed at 12:15 p.m.  Lunch will be served. 

The end of the 2016-2017 school year is quickly approaching.  Our last day of school will be Wednesday, May 24, 2017.  As part of our end of year fiscal process, we must zero out any meal charges.  Therefore, we ask that all meal charges be paid by the last day of school and request that no charges be made after May 1, 2017 if at all possible.  Please contact our central office staff if your child(ren) currently has charges and you need to establish a payment plan to pay off the charges.  We appreciate your assistance with this matter.

Driver's Education Class Sign ups -  Students must have a Driver's Permit in order to take the class.  Only 1 seat available.  First come/first serve.  Must have $200.00 check (check can be dated May 25th) to place name on list and Driver's Permit.  Sign up in PJHS Office.  Classes will be May 25th, 26th, 30th, 31st and June 1st.  (8:00 - 5:00 p.m. )