Lunch:  Homestyle Potato Bowl (Meatballs, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Cheese) Whole Green Beans, Fresh Grapes, Hot Roll and Milk                  


The library will be closed AFTER school MondayTuesday and Wednesday.

Spirit ribbons will be on sale in the library on Fridays throughout Football Season.  Ribbons may be purchased before school for $1.00 in the library

Students who drive to school and park on campus, must have a Driver's Permission Form on file in the PJHS Office. 

October 9-JR High Picture Retakes in the a.m. 

Week of October 2nd-6th 


Monday 10/2/17
Mrs. Kercheval is not here today. 
Volleyball vs. Highland @ Home @ 4:30pm 7th, Jr B/A, Sr B/A

Tuesday 10/3/17

Tornado Drill 5th hour
Boys State Golf @ Heber Springs
Tennis District Tournamnet @ Jonesboro @ 9:00am
Volleyball vs. Walnut Ridge @Home @ 4:30pm 7th, Jr B/A, Sr. B/A
Cross Country @ Salem

FFA Fruit and Meat sale Money and flyer will be due on Tuesday October 3rd.  

Wednesday 10/4/17

FFA Officer Meeting at 12:05 to discuss upcoming events. 

Any FFA member wanting to go to Pumpkin Hollow need to sign up for this trip by October 4th in Mr. Washburn's Room.  

Thursday 10/5/17

FFA Meeting at 4 pm. in the Agriculture Building 

Jr Football vs Brookland Away @ 7:00pm

Friday 10/6/17

Football vs Brookland @ Home @ 7:00pm

Club News

Any FFA Member wanting to show animals in the spring or fall needs to see Mr. Washburn by October 31st.