Lunch: Chicken Nuggets, Carrot coins, Corn, Watermelon, Hot Roll, Milk


Tuesday, August 16th:

Golf @Highland Cherokee Village South - Cancelled

Volleyball CRA Jamboree (Away) @ 4:30 p.m. (Jr)

Wednesday, August 17th:

FFA T-Shirts go on Sale Wednesday each shirt is $10.00

Thursday, August 18th:

Volleyball Hoxie Jamboree (Away) @4:30 p.m. (Sr)

Swim Team: Any swimmer (Grades 9-12) interested in being on the swim team, please join us Thursday morning, August 18th, at 7:30 in the sports complex for an informational meeting.

Golf (Home) Rolling Hills CC @ 3:20 p.m. Please dismiss players at 2:30 p.m.

Friday, August 19th:

Red Folder paperwork is due by today for a tardy pass.

Upcoming Events:

August 23rd - FFA Officer Meeting at 12:05

August 25th - FFA Back to School Cook-Out will be August 25th at the community pool from 5-7 PM

August 29th - Sept. 3rd - FFA - The Randolph Fair.

Sept. 5th - 11th - FFA - The Delta Fair

Sept. 1st: Fall Picture Day