Lunch: Pepperoni Pizza, Romaine Salad, Lite Ranch, Country Blend veggies, Strawberries & banana and Milk. 


Jr. High Student Council is participating in a Coat Drive. Donate your new or gently used coats to help students of the Pocahontas School District stay warm this winter!

Coats may be dropped off at the Jr. High library from October 31-November 11. See Mrs. Hausman for more information.

Tuesday, November 1st:

Book Club today in library.

Library will be closed after school Tuesday.

Mrs. Kercheval will not be here on Tuesday

Cornerstone Coalition on Tuesdays from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in computer lab C.

State Marching Band Championship @ North Little Rock (all day Tuesday)

Chess tournament at NEA Co-op

Wednesday, November 2nd:

Mrs. McCallister will not have tutoring today.

NJHS officers, meet in Mrs. Murray's room at 12:20 for a brief meeting.

Thursday, November 3rd:

FFA Meeting at 4 PM

Friday, November 4th:

Redskin Football vs. Westside (Away) @ 7:00 p.m.

Sunday, November 6th:

Daylight Saving Time Ends - Fall back

Upcoming Events:

Cornerstone Coalition on Tuesdays from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in computer lab C.
Nov. 7th - 9th Grade English Classes: Field Trip to Cannon Center in Memphis, TN. Leaves at 7:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Nov. 12th: PHS Project Graduation 5k Color Run with Fun Run. Registration forms are available in the office.

Nov. 12 Quiz Bowl Camp at Greene County Tech

Nov 14th: All-Region Jazz Tryouts (PM)

Nov. 17th: The Pocahontas FFA Annual Livestock show meeting will take place at 6 PM.

Nov. 18th: Progress Reports go home.

Nov. 21st - Nov. 25th : Thanksgiving Break

Dec. 3rd - JR High All-Region Tryouts @ Pocahontas