Lunch: Chicken Parmesan, Seasoned green beans, Romaine Salad, Garlic Breadstick, Pineapple and Milk.


If there is a Veteran in your life you would like to honor please come by the library and sign a star with their name for the Veteran's display.

Jr. High Student Council is participating in a Coat Drive. Donate your new or gently used coats to help students of the Pocahontas School District stay warm this winter!

Coats may be dropped off at the Jr. High library from October 31-November 11.

The fall (green) athletic passes are no longer valid.

Winter athletic passes are accepted at the gate for winter sporting events. Winter sports (basketball, swim, cheer) athletic passes will be handed out the end of this week. Students must show their pass at the gate for free entry, otherwise students are to pay the $2.00 entry fee.

Friday, November 4th:

Mrs. Kercheval is not here this morning.

🏈Redskin Football vs. Westside (Away) @ 7:00 p.m.

Saturday, November 5th:

🏀Lady Basketball Southside Jamboree (7th Girls) TBA (Away)

Sunday, November 6th:

Daylight Saving Time Ends - Fall back⏰

Next Week:

Monday, Nov. 7th:

Bring a Vet to School Program (10:00 - 11:00) in the PJHS Gym for all students. Office will call by intercom.

9th Grade English Classes: Field Trip to Cannon Center in Memphis, TN. Leaves at 7:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

🏊Swim Team: Home swim meet at 5:00 pm. Swimmers will need to be there by 4:00 for warm ups. The swimmers will be dismissed at "normal" time (when school lets out for everyone else.) Pocahontas warm ups are at 4:00. Any student or staff member that would like to help at the swim meet are more than welcome to come help volunteer

🏀Lady Redskin Basketball Southside Tournament (JG) Away TBA (11/7 - 11/12)

Tuesday, Nov. 8th:

⚾Softball: All girls grades 9-12 interested in trying out for the softball team need to meet in Coach Holt's room at 12:00 on Tuesday, November 8. You may bring your lunch if you want.

Cornerstone Coalition on Tuesdays from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in computer lab C.

🏀Lady Redskins Basketball vs. Southside (7th, JG, SGjv) Home @ 5:00 p.m.

Wednesday, Nov. 9th:

Thursday, Nov. 10th:

🏀Lady Redskins Basketball vs. ICC (JG, SG) Home @ 6:00 p.m.

Friday, Nov. 11th:

Upcoming Events:

Cornerstone Coalition on Tuesdays from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in computer lab C.
Nov. 12th: PHS Project Graduation 5k Color Run with Fun Run. Registration forms are available in the office.

Nov. 12 Quiz Bowl Camp at Greene County Tech

Nov 14th: All-Region Jazz Tryouts (PM)

Nov. 17th: The Pocahontas FFA Annual Livestock show meeting will take place at 6 PM.

Nov. 18th: Progress Reports go home.

🦃Nov. 21st - Nov. 25th : Thanksgiving Break🦃

Dec. 3rd - JR High All-Region Tryouts @ Pocahontas

Dec. 5th - F4 Rotation Starts

🎅Dec. 21st (Wed) - Jan. 3rd (Tues) - Christmas Break🎅